Previous Work

Case Studies

On the path to raise $50M for a Native American Tribe to build a data center and incubate and develop a business operation for AWS-like Cloud, Colocation and IT Professional Services.

-Done via taking an idea, doing market research, building a business plan, a business model, interviewing potential customers and building relationships with the biggest players (publicly traded companies). Also being the primary person to explain the idea to potential investors.

Southern California

Cloud & Infrastructure Business

Grew annual revenue by 13-18% for an $88M E-Commerce business by studying customer values and presenting increased customer value proposition

– Done via many rounds of primary research, customer interviews, hypothesis development, executive alignment and failed experiments; until we finally got it righ. 

New York / New Jersey

Expand into new markets and effectively deploy $5M to build a business earning over $1.2M in daily revenue.
– Done via heavy data analytics and studying adoption, clicks, potential customer demographics etc per region to guide marketing efforts.

Southern California / UK

Tech B2C

Partnered with re-launch GTM strategy for a $115M+ business in several cities after major pandemic influenced disruptions

New York City


Developed product and pricing strategy to compete with Amazon and Walmart for a national business growing their own E-Commerce business up from $36M.


Consumer Durable Goods

Developed strategy to grow customer adoptions for a political agency to 1 Million + undecided voters in key battleground swing states.

Washington DC


Data Analytics to monitor ROI in sales activity, improving cost optimization by 10%, yielding 8% higher profitability.

– Done via implementing heavy tracking for sales effort, across agents, segments, lead demographics and finding two lead types which had negative ROI on sales effort. We discontinued the worse of those two to yield these results.

New York/ New Jersey


Your Success Story Could Be Here


Your Industry

Decreased customer drop off / abandoned cart to increase cart-to-purchases ratio by 37.5% by developing a more logical customer journey


CPG / E-Commerce
Karm has also taken the following type of businesses from Zero to One:

Personal Enterprises of Founder

Food CPG

Finalist in Platinum Ranked Accelerator, Raised Capital, Built Core Team, Grew to 30+ Retail Locations in the MidWest, and Completed Exit

Crypto Platform (Tech)

From Idea to Product, building a decentralized platform on Polygon / Ethereum smart contracts, Navigating regulations for securities, establishing a team of 20 Full Time member across product, engineer, design and marketing functions.

Digital Social Media (Tech)

Delivered 83% Quarter over Quarter growth to a 3 month old business growing it up to a $2.5M/year run rate within the first year

Media / Data

From Idea to Business, conceptualizing value proposition, finding partners, teammates and a freelance team of 25+; to working with institutional clients.


Karm has led the Operations of an enterprise software company in the hospitality industry, developing tech products in the following categories:

– Mobile
– Web
– Telephony
– Wireless
– Crypto
– E-Commerce
– Data

A Few Of Our Clients

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Consult with Us

Consult with us to see if this might be a good fit. We’re selective with our clients because a synergistic relationship is key to growth and success of the enterprise.

For the right business, we have offered a free 2 day assessment (virtual or in person), including meeting the team, and understanding the business needs to determine fit.